Facebook Censors Users during Media Blackout on Privatisation of the NHS


They say that you haven’t made it as a blogger until you get censored by Facebook.  In which case, I’ve made it. It failed to provoke a sense of validation in me though, just nausea and quiet fury. This is yet another case where bloggers filling the gaps left by the main stream media are finding themselves censored on social media – the printing press of the masses.



Yesterday I wrote and published the article The Man Who Pushed a Toy Pig to Downing Street to Save our NHS.  It was intended to raise awareness and support for The Artist Taxi Driver’s art based protest of the privatisation of the NHS.

On publishing the article on my Facebook page I was asked (unusually) to fill in a captcha (the little box that asks you to type the letters you see so they know you aren’t a computer).  Shortly after, people were reporting that they were being asked to complete captchas to share it.  People who tried to open the article were warned by Facebook it was spam and the content unsafe, to dissuade people from reading and sharing the piece.  Despite all this, the article spread and had totalled over a thousand shares direct from the blog.  Then something weird happened.  It disappeared.

The article was removed from Facebook, from everywhere it had been shared. It was removed from every personal wall, group and page where it had appeared.  It disappeared from the wall of any user that had posted it.  The comments and conversations underway on people’s pages were erased.  It was like it had never happened.

I received confused and angry messages from Facebook users who had noticed it vanish from their walls and pages they manage. Now, anyone trying to share it receives the message in the above picture.

This is not an isolated case; Facebook has form on this.  Fellow blogger Tom Pride faced the same treatment yesterday when he satirised the Jobcentre and a disgruntled official had his article removed from Facebook as spam. Another Angry Voice has also covered the issue after being branded spam. Facebook has also been found censoring users, employing temporary and permanent suspensions of their accounts, after unjustly labelling them as spammers.

Nobody Mention the NHS!


Last night, the House of Lords debated and approved new S75 regulations which force the NHS to put all but a tiny minority of its services out for competitive tender.  The MPs and Lords voting through this legislation were effectively voting to increase their own fortunes.  The excellent work of Social Investigations demonstrates this legislation has been prepared and voted through by MPs, Lords and Ladies with a personal financial interest in the outcome.

This should be a scandal.  It should be on the front page of every newspaper and the leading item on every news channel in the UK: CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN NHS SELL OFF!

Instead, silence.

This story did not appear on the BBC, ITV or Channel 4 flagship news programmes last night.

In aims to prompt mainstream coverage of the Lords debate, The Artist Taxi Driver (Mark McGowan) crawled four miles across London, pushing a toy pig.  He pushed the pig all the way to No. 10 Downing Street, where he handed in a letter signed by his children.  He did all this while suffering from bowel cancer.  He was followed by hundreds of people with banners and placards while Twitter and Facebook raged with coverage; the #wheresdaddyspig hash tag trended at various points in the day within the UK, and spread around the world.  Thousands tuned in to watch live coverage broadcast by individuals via bambuser online.

There was not a single UK based mainstream media article on this extraordinary event.  You could read about it in New York, but not in London.

Yet, for some individual or group, the mainstream media blackout was not enough; they wiped Facebook clean of our dissent too.

Facebook is not your Friend


We must take this as a note of caution and a reminder that Facebook and other social media sites are not free spaces, they are owned by corporations.  If someone came and clasped their hand over your mouth in the street, there would be avenues for redress.  If Facebook does the same, options are limited.  Perhaps the most sinister element of this is not that we cannot now share this article on Facebook, but the disappearance where it had been shared.  This could happen to anyone, and it is happening to more of us all the time. Could there come a day when our entire blogs disappear from the web as ‘spam’? Possibly. This is why we cannot overlook these incidences of censorship.  All those with an interest in free speech and dissent ignore it at their peril.


This article is now being blocked by Facebook.  The share button has been removed from posts and it is receiving the same CAPTCHA and spam warnings as the originally blocked article.  It had reached over 2k Facebook shares and has now reset here to just 22.


We thought we had achieved success as the original post was briefly allowed back on FB, only to be withdrawn once again…


The Drum have picked up the story of Facebook censorship. Please read and share their piece.

Take Action

You can sign up to follow the blog by email or wordpress, cut out the middle man.

You can follow me on Facebook and let them know I am not spam

You can contact Facebook and complain about this censorship

Share this article and let people know what’s happening.

 The Protest

You can see pictures of the #wheresdaddyspig protest here

You can see videos of the protest here

152 thoughts on “Facebook Censors Users during Media Blackout on Privatisation of the NHS

  1. auldode says:

    Thank you so much. I followed Mark as much as I could through the live feed yesterday. WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW!! I share as much as possible & physically show support when I can. Well done & thanks for all your hard work x

  2. paurina says:

    Reblogged this on paurina and commented:
    get it out there!

  3. Robin Sutton says:

    As of right now, the original article seems to be blocked again…

  4. Opus the Poet says:

    I think all WordPress blogs are getting the captcha filter from FaceBook. My bicycle blog was Captcha’d yesterday. It might have something to do with all the spam peddlers using WP to create links to their vending sites, or it may be something completely different. But FB is definitely making it harder to share anything on WP.

  5. […] have been following this post today: Facebook Censors Users during Media Blackout on Privatisation of the NHS | Scriptonite Daily. I read the original post yesterday and noted that yet another newsworthy story was not being […]

    • zeudytigre says:

      So, I link your blog post into one I was inspired to write after reading this and it is getting the same treatment on Facebook (spam warning when reader clicks link). Spooky 😮

  6. Anonymous says:

    i have just shared it on fb and had it happen, but i have shared it and now gonna re-blog as well.

  7. Posted a link with a mild mangling of URL. The thing is, if facebook makes its moderation this badly automated, it’s going to get abused. So I went ahead and abused it. I’m going about looking for rightwing pages on facebook and links to rightwing blogs and reporting them as spam. If you’re on benefits (I’m not) or disabled (nor this) you can validly report any conservative content as personal harrassment. If you’re going to recruit people to do this as well, don’t share it on facebook. Share it elsewhere.

  8. If somebody complains to fb that a post is spam, then it gets blocked. I’ve had loads blocked. I even had a picture of a cat censored – serious

  9. Eileen mcmillan says:

    Facebook have blocked me from sharing this – calling it spam!

  10. Richard C says:

    i post photoshopped images that are satirical and aimed at this pathetic excuse for a government: recently, one that had 350+ shares suddenly went down to 0 shares. here’s the original:


  11. Anonymous says:

    having watched the video, the guy swears a hell of a lot. There’s a fair chance that enough people found that offensive to click the ‘mark as spam’ thing on FB, and once that gets above a certain number the automatic systems kick in.

    I’m not saying they’re right to block it, but I’ve read plenty of criticisms of the NHS bills that haven’t ben blocked.

  12. It’s being blocked due to some code in your site, a bit of javascript at the bottom upon site load;

    “d1ros97qkrwjf5.cloudfront.net/42/eum/rum.js” has been reported as spam. That’s why you’re being blocked on facebook, nothing to do with a conspiracy.

    The script is;

    “if(!NREUMQ.f){NREUMQ.f=function(){NREUMQ.push([“load”,new Date().getTime()]);var e=document.createElement(“script”);e.type=”text/javascript”;e.src=((“http:”===document.location.protocol)?”http:”:”https:”)+”//”+”d1ros97qkrwjf5.cloudfront.net/42/eum/rum.js”;document.body.appendChild(e);if(NREUMQ.a)NREUMQ.a();};NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};NREUMQ.push([“nrfj”,”beacon-1.newrelic.com”,”0d7b664d0d”,”533703″,”ZFBQYRRUWBIHUBBRCV0aZ0cPGhw=”,0,11,new Date().getTime(),””,””,””,””,””]);”

    • Scriptonite says:

      I cannot see this. Where & how is it removed if so?

      • Not an expert, but it looks like it could be analytics code or an ad. Could also be a trojan.

        • Richard C says:

          when i look at the access tracker in a website i maintain, one of the most regular attempted exploits is via a hack which is used on unpatched wordpress installations. given that wordpress is so widespread, i’m not surprised that it’s been targeted for malicious code injection exploits

          from what i can glean from google then it looks as if the ‘cloudfront’ one is a false positive

  13. readingwritinglawyer says:

    Facebook informed me as I followed a link to your blog that the site I was trying to access was potentially spam and did I really want to continue. Then, when I shared this article it asked me to fill in a captcha. I wonder how long it will be before this article disappears as well.

  14. Sarah says:

    I was banned for 15 days at the beginning of last month for sharing a link to a petition I created. I gave up in the end, I’m simply not well enough to fight FB.

    And some people STILL won’t believe this is now a dictatorship (the rest of my family for one). How long will it be before we’re under martial law…?!

    I feel TOTALLY POWERLESS; I can’t fight for myself, so HTF (sorry!) am I supposed to help fight to save what’s left (if anything) of our freedoms…?!

    Solidarity and love X❤X

  15. readingwritinglawyer says:

    Reblogged this on Happiness Happens and commented:
    This is ridiculous. Facebook has no right to censor what we think in this way. I will be interested to see how long it takes before this post disappears as well.

  16. Zeno says:

    I don’t understand why the error message you got (as shown in the screenshot) is missing the scriptonitedaily. subdomain. It is a link directly to a (non-existent) post directly on wordpress.com, and not your blog. Have I missed something?

  17. Abigail Edge says:

    I’m cautious about jumping to conclusions on this but just for the record, I also shared a link to my (WordPress) blog on Facebook yesterday and didn’t have to fill in any captcha.

  18. Iain says:

    I’ve just posted this article on Facebook. It’s asking for Captcha. Facebook really does have it in for freedom of speech.

  19. Can I suggest that if you’re concerned your blog might disappear you consider self hosting it? And make sure you’re backing it up regularly. Happy to help – find me on twitter as this same name.

  20. orwellwasright says:

    Having the same problem myself but I believe this is across the board for all wordpress blogs – not sure whether that’s just an excuse for them to censor political bloggers but it does appear to be a broad issue with wordpress, not specific blogs

  21. Angela says:

    Hi, I’m a journalist at a magazine – I’ve sent an email to the address in your about section, I don’t know if you check the account regularly.

  22. peteh1969) says:

    I am getting the same for this article as well, so I posted a link to your tweet about the subject instead which was fine https://twitter.com/lynnedixon14/status/327383261892460544

  23. I think FB is going through one of its periodic paranoid fits. Even my very unspammy blog was queried today and yu have capchas for every link shared!

  24. Aaaaargh! says:

    Not that I trust Facebook at all but ….. could it be that enough ‘interested parties’ have reported your link a spam and Facebook’s automated processes have blocked it on that basis?

  25. Marie Claire says:

    I shared this in Australia and I got a captcha before I could upload it. Are they bezerk?

  26. I really, really do not believe this is a conspiracy. The Facebook reporting system is clunky and not fit for purpose-it is outsourced to cheap labour sources. When something is marked as spam, it just gets a flag put on it. If enough people do it, that post gets removed. I think someone has been reporting you, possibly to stop this getting out, but I seriously, seriously doubt that the FB moderation system has anything to do about it. Jumping to conspiracy theories doesn’t help what you are trying to say.

  27. Tota Mariee says:

    wanna know whats funny? when i clicked to see this link FB marked it as spam and i had to say it wasnt spam in order to view it. Ironic?

    • John says:

      No, what’s ironic is that you (and I) visited this article all about how Facebook is censoring content, VIA FACEBOOK, and the only obstacle was a little translucent “watch out, this link isn’t verified” message. Oooh, major conspiracy.

  28. F says:

    Just a quick thing – is there any chance your wp account could have been hacked, and a line or two of mailicious code inserted into your theme? It isn’t always the case that when you’re ‘hacked’ that the hack is visible on the site frontend, but dodgy code inserted into the theme can be enough to set off security scanners like McAfee (see retiredandangry, above); if it can do that there’s at least a chance it’d set off the FB security algorithms too. This may not be what happened at all, but if you haven’t already it might be worth a check. (See here – http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/spam-post?replies=6#post-952535 – for details of this happening to other wordpress.com sites.)

  29. FB content adjudication is crowdsourced, as far as I recall, so blips like this are (a) likely (b) not significant (c) unlikely to be responded to if complained about

  30. Pete says:

    I couldn’t post the straight link but it worked via a URL shortener… I still had to complete a CAPTCHA though.

  31. jenny O'TYoole says:

    I also read the blog and went to share same and up came the captcha box also I have had blogs dissappear from my wall.

  32. Graham Croucher says:

    I too had to fill in a CAPTCHA box whilst trying to post a related article to the subject matter. When I tried to share this it is still comes up with a CAPTCHA box. I have never before been asked to fill in one of these boxes on Facebook and is a worrying development that should concern us all.

  33. zeudytigre says:

    ‘Liked’ your Facebook page as requested as I liked the post they removed – no way could it be interpreted as spam. I was also asked, for the first time, to fill in a captcha box when I tried to share one of my blog posts on Fb yesterday. Thought it odd at the time but even more so now. My blog is mainly about personal stuff and I share it on my personal Fb account. Makes me wonder what algorithms Fb use – a bit worrying really.

  34. Adam Evans says:

    Im dismayed by how people can be edited by corporations. Ive shared this on my page.. If it disapears Ill say so

  35. […] They say that you haven’t made it as a blogger until you get censored by Facebook. In which case, I’ve made it. It failed to provoke a sense of validation in me though, just nausea and quiet fury….  […]

  36. AL says:

    Do you have any evidence that this was a concious act of censorship on facebooks part, before you fired up your blog? You know that sites like FB and twitter are fighting a tsunami of spam, and do so mainly with automated algorithms right? Ones that look for suspected spambot user accounts that post reams and reams of links all day every day.The captcha you are suddenly subject to is a dead giveaway their algos simply suspect you to be a spambot. This article is akin to sending an email to someone which ends up in the spam folder and then screaming CENSORSHIP.

    This annoys me because its an example of digital illiteracy, something that was brought into razor sharp focus recently over the amazon rape tshirt kerfuffle. You can read about what this means here http://iam.peteashton.com/keep-calm-rape-tshirt-amazon/

    This annoys me because the cause of the left and social justice and all who fight back against the establishment etc is far, far too great for its people to be wasting energy on conspiratorial crap like this. Stuff that also gives your opponents ammo to bleat about the “loony left” and such, and allows the middle of the road undecided citizen, who you are ultimately trying to get onside remember, to dismiss you and your causes out of hand for constantly raising the alarm over insignificant things. Save your outrage and energy for the real stuff! Not to mention there being a fundamental problem with not really knowing how the number one set of tools that is used to organise and fight back these days, social media and the internet, even bloody works. You have to be better than that. Theres too much at stake.

    Complain about the very genuine establishment censorship from the likes of the bbc and all the rest of them all you like because we all know how they operate and always have, but learn a bit about this still brand new domain we call the internet before raising the alarm.

    • Scriptonite says:

      In answer to your initial question. yes we do. See the Tom Pride and Facebook censorship links which source this information. It would be better if you had done this before writing this long assertion that our fears are unfounded.

      • AL says:

        I did. And i read nothing that amounts to evidence – actual evidence – that blocks were consciously enacted by any human being based on the merits of the content in question, just a claim that a JCP employee had taken it upon themselves to game the user-moderation system by reporting dissent as spam, which anyone could do. Just more bare assertions that systematic *political* censorship is happening on facebook.

        Did you read the link about digital illiteracy? Because (with a bit of abstract thinking) it explains why thinking someone exploiting a dumb automated spam algorithm on a service to get something hidden amounts to that service actively censoring you. Yes it sucks, but its not a conspiracy. Computers are still very dumb about working out the intent behind a piece of content, which is why things like facebook simply asks its users instead after the fact.

        Are you angry with my position on this? Dont be. Ive already said im on your side and i think what has happened to the NHS is treason. But you have to be better than this, you have to be natively comfortable with and knowledgeable of whats really going on in this new virtual world, as opposed to many establishment players you fight who are still and always will be stuck in the world of the fax machine and telephone and broadcast-only mediums like tv and radio. Its one of the few true advantages you have against these people, you must grab it with both hands.

        • Scriptonite says:

          The history behind this and the growing incidences point toward conspiracy rather than cock up. I appreciate you have a different view and this is censorship free zone so you’re welcome to put it forth.

          • AL says:

            So you admit you have no real evidence, even a circumstantial correlation, of elective censorship then? Apart from a gut feeling based on this sort of thing having happened before sometimes?

            Perhaps you could write a good sourced blogpost detailing these cases, how they link together into a pattern and how that correlates into a genuine suspicion of fishy goings on behind the scenes by the service provider, instead of exploitable algorithmic stupidity and a willingness of low ranking government employees to be petulant and petty when given the opportunity (which i dont think anyone would dispute). At least present whatever evidence you think you have about this and let people decide for themselves.

            Im seriously open to having my mind changed on this issue.

            • Scriptonite says:

              I had some amazing advice once. I was commenting away like you and was told ‘If you want a blog you agree with 100%, write it yourself’. And I did. I’d encourage you to give it a go. I’ve read into this, I’m happy with the level of research and I may well cover again in future. If you’d like to do something sooner, then go for it. Better than waiting around and feeling like people are missing what you are seeing.

              • AL says:

                I dont need to write a blog about it, because the one i linked already says everything i would say on the topic of ignorance of the workings of digital systems and better than i can say it. Thats why i linked it. The onus of proof is also on the person making the claim, not the one disputing it.

                Like i said if you get together you experiences in one place and it could seem that there is indeed a compelling correlation with no obvious innocent explanation, then i could well reconsider and you would convince that many more people that there is something bad going on at facebook, which if true would be very important to get the word out on.

                • Scriptonite says:

                  Thanks for your comments.

                  • aarcarr says:

                    To be honest, it looks like someone has raised a sensible point and your brushing it to one side, your not prepared to accept anything other than conspiracy and deliberate censorship…

                    • Elk says:

                      To be fair, it’s a fairly common issue with Facebook having issues with WordPress links. Type in “Facebook” into the support area of wordpress and you see a fair few instances like this, including ones that are not to do with the NHS.

                      Good conspiracy theory though.

    • pasupatidasi says:

      facebook froze one of my accounts…or blocked it, claiming that facebook had detected malware on my computer. i made up a new account, same computer tho, guess what, facebook didn’t detect malware and lock me out. but just before this alleged malware, i was being asked for captchas constantly, and not allowed to share things because “it contains spam” i am still blocked from this account but i suspect that sharing about palestine and participating in anonymous’ #opisrael was the real reason…should’ve stuck to posting kitties i guess

  37. […] Facebook Censors Users during Media Blackout on Privatisation of the NHS. […]

  38. sharon Bestley says:

    facebook has already stopped me from sharing this on my page. Putting this every where, hope people can read befor my comments are removed again.

  39. lili says:

    i’m sure this is meant to mean something, but, if i follow a link from someone’s post to your blog, facebook asks for ‘feedback’ ie to say whether it’s spam or not spam. and i always click ‘not spam’ – definitely a very recent thing as far as i know

  40. Anonymous says:

    hey dude, tried sharing this, it`s being blocked……..

  41. russal55 says:

    Something I came across today:

    For the attention of: –

    David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Edward Miliband and all Members of Parliament,

    We Have Had Enough.

    This letter is a warning – from the people. It is not a request that requires an answer, but it does require a response – by way of action on your part that demonstrates that you understand its substance and the seriousness of our intent.

    The collective political establishment has betrayed the British people by transferring our national sovereignty to a foreign power without our consent. This is in defiance of our constitution and an act of treason.

    You do not need to know how many people we represent today, only how many we might represent tomorrow and you should know that our numbers grow daily. This letter thus serves as your window of opportunity to make amends and give remedy for the crimes committed against us. We will show compassion for those who recant and we will be ruthless with those who do not concede to the wishes of the people.

    Ignoring this letter is not an option… if you think it is, then this serves only to demonstrate that your intellect is subservient to your arrogance. You may feel that you can ignore it because you are too powerful, but to do so is to underestimate the seething resentment that the people feel for the political establishment in general.

    I, the undersigned, did not write this letter, but it expresses what I think about the way that we are being misgoverned. You have acted in contempt of the principles of democracy and shown total disregard for our right to govern ourselves. It does not matter who penned the words of this letter, what matters is what it says.

    For the past several decades the British people have been treated with extraordinary and total contempt by the collective political establishment. It has not mattered which political party has been in office or ‘power’ as you insist on calling it, nothing ever changes. We are continually subjected to the same global agenda. We have been used and abused like pawns in your game of supremacy in which a dynastic ruling class see themselves as ordained to rule as masters – with impunity, whilst we the people, as virtual slaves, are supposedly destined to obey – without question. You have persistently and consistently undermined our democracy by agreeing to treaties with foreign political elites who have no business in our affairs.

    You have rewarded yourself with the trappings of office – high salaries, luxuries denied most of us, privileges, pensions, prestige and benefits that we can only dream of… whilst burdening us with ever-higher taxes, derisory pensions and declining standards of public services. It is we who pay the price for your malfeasance.

    The story of Britain over the past several decades that will be told in the history books of tomorrow is the story of betrayal, greed, corruption, nepotism, treason and modern day fascism – the latter of which manifests itself in the global agenda being imposed upon us against our will.

    The European Union – a step process towards global governance is now fully exposed. Built on lies and deceit is being hoisted by its own petard – the edifice is crumbling but still the political elite like demented fools, continue to feed on their own delusions. The docile masses, mesmerised by trivia, propaganda, complacency and ignorance have still somehow managed to grasp some basic elements of the truth, alerted almost certainly by the blatant and arrogant refusal of the political elite to tell the truth even when it stands proud in the rubble of political deceit and betrayal.

    The political class are discredited at every level. They rant about the benefits of our subjugation to a foreign enterprise, peace, prosperity and democracy where in reality chaos, dictatorship and corruption reign supreme. European economies are on the brink of collapse because of the corrupt banking cartels, there is visible resistance on the streets and people call for lawful rebellion. But less known, there is clandestine resistance behind closed doors. Whilst the majority advocate a peaceful uprising, the extremes will always be in the mix and when passion and anger are fused and those aggrieved can find no remedy… violent resistance is as understandable as the passion for life itself.

    The police and militia that you currently rely on to defend yourselves against the people’s retribution… are made up of our own, they are not your people – and when they learn about your betrayal and your intent…. AND THEY WILL – they will turn against you. Their awakening, which you cannot stop, is your Achilles heel. Your greatest fear must be that we will impose upon you the regimes and repression that you had planned for us.

    People are meeting in groups across the country, talking across oceans… they are disparate, disorganised and without an effective plan to repel the global agenda… as yet. BUT a leadership is emerging… organisers are co-ordinating and small groups are linking to form larger groups. The dichotomies of left v right, Christian v Muslim, , black v white, Catholic v Protestant, which have been used to great effect to divide and conquer in the past, will find no favour in this war. The call to arms that will unite us will be ‘the people v the global elite’ – the cry will cascade street to street and find easy passage and universal support – for our common purpose has greater value and strength than yours.

    We have a constitution – which you ignore. We have been denied our democratic rights, regardless, we have clearly expressed our wishes, in one opinion poll after another, that we do not want to be governed by a foreign unelected officialdom, but still you disregard us. We are promised a referendum on our future, but then you recant. You speak in support of our views when in opposition, but act to the contrary when we elect you.

    You consult with corporate executives, international bankers, non-government organisations, international charities, academia, foreign dignitaries, political elites, think tanks and lobbyist – collectively a tiny minority, who do not represent us. These groups all emanate from the same social strata, with their own agendas to satisfy and all funded by the same cartel. You take note of their every whim, but you care not a jot for what we think or what we want. Your children are given jobs, with big salaries fresh from university and then rapidly climb the corporate ladder as reward by the same corporate bodies who you have favoured with your decisions. Our children must make their own way in an increasingly desperate world. Your corporatism suppresses our freedoms with deliberate and malicious intent.

    You accommodate tyrants, dictators, arms dealers and all manner of dubious characters, with whom you are happy to keep company. You turn a blind eye when the smell of money wafts your nostrils… it suppresses the stink of corruption and evil. Your moral compasses are defunct… your values deplorable and motives despicable. Our soldiers die to service your corporate agenda – their blood is on your hands.

    You are educated at the same elite schools and members of the same elite clubs and you allow these influences to override the consideration which should be paramount in service of the people. You have adopted the “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” philosophy… because you have learnt from your predecessors that corruption and deception do indeed pay. The European Union is awash with it and you have determined to get your snout in the same trough. You take comfort from the fact that you control those who have the authority to indict you for your criminality… because they too have fallen prey to the corruption. You have sold off our national resources to your friends, divided communities, deprived villages and towns, undermined, destroyed and bulldozed. You have laid waste where once prosperity was enjoyed. But you have not suffered… you have remained aloof, disengaged, uninvolved – removed from the debris and the misery that you have wreaked upon the rest of us.

    We have seen our three billion annual fishing industry handed over to foreign control for nil reward. Our farms no longer feed us, crippled by regulations made to favour foreign farmers. Our ship-building has been dismantled and our merchant fleet whittled to nothing. Our armed forces are under strength and we see foreign troops being trained on our own soil on the pretence that they may be needed to protect us… when the reality is they are being trained to subdue us… to protect you from our vengeance. Our children are victims of social engineering in the schools and declining standards of education. They are being sexualised by explicit exposures before they have the emotional maturity to be able to cope. You are destroying their minds and their childhoods.

    You have engineered a police state with legislation that empowers you at our expense and you have been blatant in your contempt for our democratic and constitution rights and our common law, which have been known to us for centuries. You deny us our rights and our freedoms and contemptuously imply that you can provide us with a new Bill of Rights. Would we seriously trust a thief with our wallets? You have corrupted our courts by appointing judges who are contemptuous of our common law and you have bowed to the pressure of foreign elites who have inflicted their inferior system of justice upon us… without our consent. You have not defended our interests… you have conspired merely to enhance your own.

    You have dissected our nation and sold off our infrastructure. We buy our own water from foreign corporations who grow rich on the back of our suffering. Pensioners die of cold because they are unable to afford their heating bills visited upon them by foreign corporate greed. You are then rewarded by them with lucrative directorships when you slip quietly from office with your bulging pensions. You remain oblivious, unconcerned… disconnected. We will no longer be ignored as you go about you globalist agenda. We will resist your controlling and petty rules and regulations… we will resist your fines and penalty charges and challenge your corrupt and biased judges, we will defy the over-zealous police, and your oppressive and unlawful taxes.

    It is our intention to govern ourselves… we do not seek your permission – this is our right. You have had your opportunity and you have failed. We will take control of our own lives in stages, as and when it suits us. Our numbers will grow as we show by example that prosperity is the natural consequence of honest and fair governance. We will expose you for the parasites you are.

    This country has a constitution – which you ignore. We have Magna Carta, the declaration and the Bill of Rights… we have trial by jury, habeas corpus, the coronation oath. We have our customs, traditions and common law. We have the right of petition, free speech, and free movement and above all… we have the right to govern ourselves. These are our inalienable rights – they are not privileges granted to us by you or your ilk. They cannot be taken away or extinguished at the whim of political diktat or through corrupt judicial process and certainly not at the behest of foreign undemocratic institutions. You have no authority to dictate… your duty is to serve.

    We do not recognise regions imposed upon us by Europeans to affect their control over us – to divide and to conquer us. We are a sovereign nation… a proud people. We have watched our country slowly destroyed… by you – we now see clearly what you have done… your purpose and you betrayal. We will honour our inheritance – the freedoms fought for and secured for us, and we will ensure that we will pass this on to the next generation, to our children and theirs.

    You have been sent this letter by a constituent. On sending a copy to you, they have also registered your name with the co-ordinators. This will remain with us as evidence for your trial… for treason, should it be necessary. It’s your choice

    We are many – you are few… and our leaders are emerging.

    • WMSC says:

      calm down mate

    • Arkady Rose says:

      The UK does not have a constitution. Whoever wrote this has zero understanding of what Magna Carta actually is. We do not have a Bill of Rights, the right of petition is not enshrined anywhere, and freedom of speech is nowhere enshrined in any UK law.

      No-one in Parliament will read this. The writer can’t even get their facts straight. Why should anyone pay attention to it?

  42. Reblogged this on RetiredAndAngry and commented:
    We really are not supposed to know about this obviously. Well we do, and all power to the people.

  43. Censorship is one of the last tools any state has in it’s rusty toolbox!

  44. I went to read your blog last night and was told by McAfee Site Advisor that it had been reported as Spam and did I really want to proceed? You must be doing something right.

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