Been waiting for a protest anthem for our times? This might be it…

You might well remember “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel.  Well…someone joked with me the other day that it was time to rewrite it for current times.  I thought it was a great idea…so here it is, with video! Sit back and watch the last 34 years fly by in 4 minutes and 40 seconds….and if you like it, share it. Let’s make this huge!

And don’t forget to throw a view coins in my virtual guitar case!  You can donate here.

12 thoughts on “Been waiting for a protest anthem for our times? This might be it…

  1. […] Been waiting for a protest anthem for our times? This might be it… ( […]

  2. Linda Strickler says:

    Wow, stunningly brilliant. We have a long way to go to make things right…again. What we did decades ago all seems to have vanished in greed and power. Thank you for this. Sharing!

  3. occultfan says:

    This is well-made and inspiring.
    My grandmother never quoted Oscar Wilde,
    but she was still great.

  4. I have been thinking this same thing..Great work, just wish the animals were included equally in this current civil rights movement, more than time for them too Thank you, sharing~

  5. Jo Twist says:

    Good one. Very good one.

  6. Paul Smyth says:

    Reblogged this on The Greater Fool and commented:
    Absolutely awesome, potted history of how we got here and a call to arms

  7. Just as spot on and to the point as the original….well done will post on FB and hope it goes viral to get the message out to the many who still need to wake up an smell the coffee.

  8. […] You might well remember "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel. Well…someone joked with me the other day that it was time to rewrite it for current times. I thought it was a great idea…so h…  […]

  9. Katy Rosewell says:


  10. 1stevemackie says:

    Brilliant, thanks for all the time and effort you put into everything. XX

  11. Tracey Cook says:

    This is sooo good! Another inspirational piece is ‘sons and daughters of Robin Hood’ by Damh the Bard. We are getting there!

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